Hey Everyone! This blog is for all of you to follow our adventures in Guatemala; we'll tell you about all the amazing experiences, post our best pictures and make sure to let you know that we're having a great time. So, you get to live vicariously through us without having to sleep in loud hostels, grapple with spiders and scorpions in the jungle or try to get by in Guatemala with little to no Spanish.
Our goal in our travels is to challenge our comfort level, learn about the lives and cultures of people in this part of the world, and to learn more about ourselves.

Monday 23 January 2012

The Past Week

We spent the last 6 nights at Isla Verde, which is a beautiful Eco Lodge situated on Lake Atitlan, howver it had limited Internet, so I will give you a recap of the week. Sunday We have arrived at the lake. The hotel is beautiful, gardens are stunning and couldn't be more relaxing to sit in...also found a scorpion in the shower! Monday Spent the day reading around the lake. The food is absolutely fantastic, and each night there is a 3 course dinner served on the deck overlooking the lake. Tuesday The day we ventured to Panajachel. After being bombarded by street vendors selling their wares, and having a terribly diffiult time finding a working ATM, we decided we'd had enough of the "big city". Returning to the launching docks, we hopped into an empty boat headed for Santa Cruz. We were told the boat would leave once it had about 12 people, but soon the boat was packed to the gills, and we started to get a bit concerned. Just as we were about to launch, Av very heavyset tourist ran down the dock, apparently having decided that she absoltely must take this ( clearly over filled ) boat. As she squeezed in, the boat sunk uncomfortably further into the water. We were sitting in the center of a packed boat with a low roof and just as I was thinking I might want to take another boat, the engine started and we were off. We had been cautioned about the strong afternoon winds and were now experiencing them. The swells were high, and the forming white caps proceeded to rock the boat back and forth, sending in bigger and bigger sprays, soaking all patrons sitting in the front. The water felt dangerously close to the upper edge of the boat, but I felt some relief due to the lifecoats strapped to the roof (and a bit less relief when I realized that they were soaking wet!) As we began to turn I looked up, hopeful to see our landing dock, but to my dismay we were headed to pick up more people. There was no room in the boat, and I couldn't imagine how they were going to try and fit... but they didn't try, they just sat on the roof! At this point I just closed my eyes, and after several more minutes of nail biting swells, and a boat rocking heavilly back and forth, we arrived at our destination, and I thankfully put my feet on solid ground. Wednesday After our trip to town yesterday, Matt and I have been strugling with upset stomachs. We order yet another Canada Dry, and they inform us they are out! we've finished the supply! Thursday Tried the hotels famous Hand made pasta. it actually hangs to dry behind the kitchen... very delicious! Friday Spent the morning kayaking on a pristine lake. This lake has risen over 13 feet in the last few years, and we saw balconies under water which was kind of eerie. Saturday Took arts and crafts and made dreamcatchers. Sunday Left Santa Cruz and have arrived in Jabilito to stay at Casa Del Mundo.

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